These are good times for formal verification. Amazon Web Services is using formal specifications and model checking to support rigorous design at a very large scale. Facebook, of all companies, is getting serious about static analysis, with Monoidics’s separation logic gurus and Francesco Logozzo of Clousot fame among its recent hires. John Carmack, as a programmer, is aggressively pursuing static analysis. Only thanks to formal verification has a remote but pernicious bug in Java’s standard library sort been discovered. It’s clear that — slowly, one step at a time — the offerings of formal methods are becoming practically helpful.

Still, the transition from pure research to practical applications requires time, in formal verification as in other areas. Among the intermediate steps that have to be covered there’s dealing with instances that are realistic: not necessarily full-blown industrial-strength, but not discounting any features that are expected of a fully usable implementation. Realistic software also moves past the challenges of benchmarks, which typically focus on one or few complicated aspects while eliding features that are considered commonplace and hence not interestingly problematic.

Nadia Polikarpova‘s presentation at the Formal Methods Symposium in Oslo a few weeks ago was precisely about dealing with realistic software in verification: our paper describes the verification of EiffelBase2, a realistic general-purpose data-structure library, against its complete functional specification.

Before you roll your eyes thinking, “Seriously?! Verification of data structures in 2015? Wasn’t the problem solved in the 1970s? Or maybe earlier! And they gave them a best paper award for this stuff? Unbelievable!”, let me explain what’s new and, hopefully, interesting about this work. It is true that the amount of work on verifying data structures is overwhelming. Not only because the effort poses interesting challenges but also because data structures are a domain that is naturally amenable to formalization and analysis: everybody agrees on the expected behavior of, say, a linked stack, and it can be formalized succinctly. In other domains (reactive software for example) even specification is a challenge in terms of both “what” and “how”. Still and all, most data-structure verification work focuses on demonstrating certain aspects of a technique and is applicable to implementations written in a certain way, possibly with some restrictions, and not in others. In contrast, Nadia implemented and specified EiffelBase2 before verification (even if, naturally, some later adjustment were necessary to complete the verification effort) with the goal of providing a usable realistic container collection without compromising on any aspect (object-oriented design, API usability, implementation performance, …) that is to be expected in practice. In fact, EiffelBase2 now ships with the EiffelStudio compiler as an alternative to the old EiffelBase library. (It did not fully replace it only for backward compatibility reasons.)

Here are a few examples of EiffelBase2 features that you would expect in a usable data-structure library (think java.util or .NET Collections, or C++ STL), but which are often simplified or omitted altogether in verification research:

  • External iterators, with the possibility of statically checking that multiple iterators operating on the same structure are safe, that is modify it consistently.
  • Hash tables with arbitrary user-defined objects as keys and object-based key comparison, with the possibility of statically checking that modifying objects used as keys does not affect table consistency.
  • Rich, convenient APIs offering operations for searching, replacing, inserting, and removing elements, merging containers, converting between different containers, object-based comparison (i.e., comparing objects according to their content rather than by references pointing to it), and copy constructors.
  • Abstract specifications of data structures, consistent with the inheritance hierarchy, and provably complete for functional correctness.
  • Implementations that do not trade performance off for verifiability: array-based lists use ring buffers, hash tables automatically resize their bucket arrays to avoid performance degradation, and so on.

If some of these features do not sound impressive it is because we are blasé, used as we are to having them in any realistic implementations, but also happy to ignore or abstract them away when performing verification because they do not seem to introduce complex, as opposed to complicated, novel challenges. However the devil’s in the details, and some sources of complexity are emergent from the combination of seemingly plain and innocuous features. Even verifying something as workaday as copy constructors brought its own set of challenges, in ensuring that the copy is consistent with the abstract class model and with its relatives by means of inheritance.

Part of the challenge of verifying EiffelBase2 was achieving all this with a good level of automation and a reasonable amount of annotations (besides specifications) — in other words, with an effort proportional to the magnitude of the challenge. To this end, we developed a verification methodology and supporting tool (AutoProof, which I presented in a previous post) with the goals of providing flexibility and proportionality: verifying simple stuff should be straightforward, verifying complex stuff (such as EiffelBase2) should still be attainable but require a bigger annotation overhead. While I personally think that being able to interact directly with the prover for the most challenging proofs may support even greater levels of flexibility, the auto-active interaction mode of AutoProof may have hit on a sweet spot in the landscape of annotations vs. automation — at least for full functional correctness in the domain of data structure libraries.

You’re welcome to add comments about features of realistic software that are often overlooked in practical verification, as well as about other success stories of formal methods that narrowed the gap between lab and field practice.

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