Teaching activities by Carlo A. Furia
These are courses that I've taught as lecturer in the last few years, with links to each course's pages. See my CV for a complete listing including industry courses and other teaching-related activities such as student supervision.
- Spring 2025: Software analysis (publicly available material from the 2019 edition here)
- Fall 2024: Programming fundamentals 1, Software design & modeling
- Spring 2024: Software analysis (publicly available material from the 2019 edition here)
- Fall 2023: Programming fundamentals 1, Software design & modeling
- Spring 2023: Software analysis (publicly available material from the 2019 edition here)
- Fall 2022: Programming fundamentals 1, Software design & modeling
- Spring 2022: Software analysis (publicly available material from the 2019 edition here)
- Fall 2021: Programming fundamentals 1, Software design & modeling
- Spring 2021: Software analysis (publicly available material from the 2019 edition here), Software Research Seminar
- Fall 2020: Programming fundamentals 1 (highlights of the student projects), Programmazione 1, Software design & modeling
- Spring 2020: Software analysis (publicly available material from the 2019 edition here)
- Fall 2019: Software design & modeling
- Spring 2019: Software analysis (publicly available material here)
- Fall 2018: Software design & modeling
- Spring 2018: Principles of concurrent programming
- Fall 2017: Objektorienterad programmering (Object-oriented programming) and Principles of concurrent programming
- Spring 2017: Concurrent programming
- Fall 2016: Objektorienterad programmering (Object-oriented programming)
- Fall 2015: Sofware verification and the edX MOOC Computing: Art, Magic, Science — Part II
- Spring 2015: Modeling time in computing
- Fall 2014: Sofware verification
- Spring 2014: Java and C# in depth
- Fall 2013: Sofware verification
- Spring 2013: Java and C# in depth and Modeling time in computing
- Fall 2012: Sofware verification
- Fall 2011: Sofware verification
- Spring 2011: Software architecture
- Fall 2010: Sofware verification
- Spring 2010: Java and C# in depth and Software engineering seminar
- Fall 2009: Sofware verification
- Spring 2009: Software engineering seminar